The tokenomics is a key part of a project, up next it can be seen how the whole $SIRIUS token circulation is going to be divided and assigned.
50% Pre-Sale (40,000 $SIRIUS).
37% Staking (29,600 $SIRIUS).
22% Liquidity (17,600 $SIRIUS) locked over 1,000.
1% Airdrop (800 $SIRIUS).
Transfer Tax:
These are the taxes you get when performing a buy or sell transaction with $SIRIUS token and how those fees are going to be distributed.
Buy Fee: 18%
Reflection: 10%
Liquidity Pool (LP) 4%
Marketing: 3%
Buyback: 1%
Sell fee: 18%
Reflection: 10%
Liquidity Pool (LP) 4%
Marketing: 3%
Buyback: 1%
Last updated